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What’s in a food parcel?

Food banks provide a minimum of three-days’ nutritionally balanced, non-perishable tinned and dried foods that have been donated people in the local community.

A food parcel that contains sufficient nutrition for adults and children, for at least three days of healthy, balanced meals for individuals and families.

A typical food parcel includes:

- Cereal

- Soup

- Pasta

- Rice

- Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce

- Lentils, beans and pulses

- Tinned meat

- Tinned vegetables

- Tea/coffee

- Tinned fruit

- Biscuits

- UHT Milk

- Fruit juice

We also provide essential non-food items such as toiletries, hygiene products, toys and clothing.

Dietary requirements

When visiting The Community Pavilion, one of our volunteers will run through the food parcel packing list with you to check any special dietary requirements that you may have.

Please get in touch with with The Community Pavilion to find out more.

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